The Leigh Film Factory mission statement...
"To provide an affordable, accessible and welcoming space where everyone can enjoy quality cinema experiences, whether for education, business or pleasure."
About our Cinema
Our fully air-conditioned cinema is full of the latest technology to give you a fantastic film watching experience!
Our auditorium is fitted with 112 very comfortable IMAX cinema seats in a tiered seating arrangement with a central isle.
Our screen image is provided by a true 4K UltraHD & HDR capable digital projector for a superb bright and crisp image.
For sound we have a full 7.1 surround processor capable of decoding Dolby Digital, Dolby Atmos & DTS soundtracks.
This is partnered with our 3KW sound system which includes an 18" subwoofer for a truly awesome auditory experience!
How Leigh Film Factory was built
Our cinema was conceived, designed & built by an incredible dedicated team of like minded people
Here are some images of that process.